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Frustrated by time, energy and resources wasted on conflict?

As a teacher and practitioner of conflict resolution for 40 years, I've spent thousands of hours with people who were paying a high cost for poorly managed conflict.  Not just in time, energy, and money but also in damage to peace of mind and treasured dreams.  

The truth is, most people make no preparation for conflict.  When difficult issues come up, they just wing it and get stuck.  

If you're ready for something beyond winging it, a great way to take the next step is to learn and practice simple “two-step” maneuvers to avoid getting stuck in pointless difficulties. 

Sign up for my free email series, Two Steps to Less Conflict, and get 10 quick strategies to help you use your time, energy, and attention to attain the things you really care about. 

Ron Kraybill, PhD

     Author, Cool Tools for Hot Topics and Style Matters: The Kraybill Conflict Style Inventory
     Senior Advisor on Peacebuilding, United Nations Development Program, 2009-2015
     Professor of Conflict Transformation, Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University, 1996-2007
     Director of Training, Centre for Conflict Resolution, Cape Town, South Africa, 1989-1995
     Training Advisor, South African National Peace Accord, 1993-1994
     Founding Director, Mennonite Conciliation Service, 1979-1988

Sign up here.


Optimize for learning

Train with tools designed by trainers and optimized for learning. Direct attention beyond numbers to core strengths, opportunities for growth, and strategic choices.

Prepare for diversity

Build conflict resolution skills in settings where managing differences is challenging. Use training tools with built-in cultural flexibility. Provide opportunities to discuss how diverse backgrounds shape habits in conflict.

Be practical

Ground learning in affirmation of existing strength. Give clear, simple feedback on areas of concern. Provide detailed suggestions for options to improve.

Be stress aware

Calm≠Storm. Recognize response to conflict as dynamic and not single state.  Give tools to manage the Storm Shift.

Be where they are

Provide multi-platform delivery of training. Support groups and teams scattered physically and working together online. Use time-saving web tools to facilitate learning for individuals, teams, or groups, in face-to-face workshops or online.

Work with limits

Price training materials in reach of all who need them. Reduce prep, coordination, and delivery time with trainer-friendly online tools. Deliver rich learning, on location or online, in less time, with less travel.

Take a long view

Expand the window of learning and support reflection before, during, and after workshops. Set up rich discussion in pairs, small groups, and large groups. Followup with resources for continued growth.  Facilitate journeys, not events.