Ready for this?


Heat is rising.  On all fronts.
Divergence and diversity
 -  the new normal.

Do your HR people have
the necessary tools?   

[In the COVID era] HR leaders will need to start collaborating more with employees at every level. Now is the time to focus on interpersonal relationships rather than control, standards, and hierarchy.

       Sue Bingham, "How HR Leaders Can Adapt to Uncertain Times"
       Harvard Business Review, August, 2020


hen heat rises
What happens to humans?

Easy to use, easy to scale, the Style Matters conflict style inventory helps individuals and teams review and optimize responses to conflict and stressful situations.


  • Take the assessment online on their own (10 minutes; 20 questions).
  • Receive an eight page score report packed with practical insights for solo study or team discussion.
  • Reflect and discuss Style Matters works well for solo use.  But conflict is a social experience so.... 

Role of HR 

HR helps the above to happen by:
  • Initiating, emailing an invitation with pre-paid link to take the inventory to users.
  • Following up, in person or online - in zoom conversation, coaching session, team discussion, or workshop.
  • Resourcing,  using free guides and online resources on our website that equip anyone with basic facilitation skills to lead effective followup.

Unique features help you rise to the heat.

Style Matters scores for both Calm and Storm settings.  

Why?  Brain research shows that stress and emotions greatly effect cognition and behavior.  Some people behave quite differently in Storm than in Calm. 

Users choose whether to answer questions based on their general patterns or in reference to only one type of conflict. 

Why?  In some cultures, responses to conflict are strongly shaped by context.  These users have difficulty answering questions "in general" about their responses.  

The Style Matters score report has a section for colleagues of the user, with suggestions for how to support the user in difficult times.

Why?  Conflict is not an individual experience - it happens between people.  Learning is not a one-off event - it's a process.  The Style Matters score report is for individuals and teams. Both benefit over time.

What trainers say about Style Matters.

How users evaluate Style Matters.

We constantly upgrade Style Matters based on user feedback.   These metrics summarize feedback from the most recent 600 respondents in 2021.
Try Style Matters as a user - free!

 Experience for yourself the things trainers love:

  • Seamless, one-click transfer from invitation email to the first page of the inventory, where you land already logged in.
  • Quick, easy question format. (20 questions in ten minutes).
  • Instant delivery of score report, on screen and via email, or print-out in a high-quality format.
  • Practical, actionable score report.
  • Team orientation.  Special section in score report makes team conversation easy.
  • Free additional resources.  Score report has links to free resources on our site - discussion questions, trainers guides,  essays on anger management, conflict resolution skills, gender dynamics, cultural dynamics, and more.

You live in the 21st century.

Experience a 21st century conflict style inventory.  Sign up now for complimentary access to Style Matters!