Get the Most Out of Your Score Report

Followup to Style Matters Users


Thanks for taking Style Matters!

Your score report.  There should now be a copy in your email.  For better graphics, follow the instructions at top left of the email and print out the email to PDF or printer.  It's quick and, trust me, it's worth the effort!  For help, see the short videos here.

Apply powerful learning tools.  Use Notebook LLM to easily generate a ten minute audio conversation you can download and listen to about your score report.  Two helpful AI-driven co-hosts discuss your numbers, your strengths, and your areas of challenge in a conversation that sounds remarkably "real".  Just upload your score report in a PDF.  Partners or teams can submit together and get detailed suggestions for their interaction.  Samples, screenshots, and instructions here.

Discuss with others.  Conflict is a social experience.  Learning about it should be too - and it's a lot more fun in the company of others!  A workshop or coaching environment is perfect for discussing your report.  If that's not available, how about a trusted friend or partner?  Notebook, described above, will quickly generate interesting resources for this.  Eg: After uploading your PDF, ask the Notebook Chatbot: "What advice would you give to my partner for when I'm upset?" 

Weekly Followup Tips.  You're enrolled to receive a free followup email once a week, with suggestions for applying conflict styles to everyday life.  Each is 2-3 minutes of reading, with practical insights you can use with people you live and work with every day.   Look for the first in a day or two!

Ron Kraybill, PhD
Style Matters Author